Then the worker who couldn’t live on the wage they were getting before now has to work part time without benefits or is simply pushed onto government socialist programs for the rest of their life. Plus, the places that walls do the most good, have walls now. BEFORE WE GET CRAZY ABOUT ILLEGALS , LOOK FURTHER TO SEE IF ITS NOT A PLAN OF BIG GUN COMPANIES TO KILL SMALL GUN MANUFATURING. that even included education –no green card kiddy don’t go to school –(keep your dumb kid at home we don’t need to educate him/her on our dollar), ——-BUT—then the fed’s stepped in and said the whole law was unconstitutional and WE had to educate some other countries kids on our dollar. Battle for $11.00... Former WWE wrestler "Tyler Reks" undergoing gender transition, Snow Shoveling Leads to Double Murder + Suicide in Pennsylvania, Company Covid call - Must have two ply masks and mandating types used - God help me im going to flip. 7 SO——WE TRIED –SUCCEEDED -PASSED A LAW –AND GOT SHOT DOWN BY THE FED’S –DON’T BLAME US WE TRIED –YOU THE REST OF THE COUNTRY FAILED!!!! And I don’t recall the outrage when Secretary of State Colin Powell or the Secretary of State Condie Rice used private servers for their emails, did I miss something? look it up —( by the way 187 is the murder# in the police code book here), it basically stated once passed. And charge their home country a fee for handling! 4 No intent needed, see capitilized portion. So, when is ice going to raid all Trumpster owned business for illegals. This BCA AR-15 Barrel is a 16" heavy profile barrel made of 416R Stainless steel with a stainless finish, a carbine length gas system with a 1:9 twist rate. @ICEgov confirms they executed a search warrant this morning at Bear Creek Arsenal in Sanford. Fine and lock up the business owners. These companies must be held accountable. like Brazil. Without it this type of thing will continue to happen. About 30 people were taken into custody in Sanford on Tuesday by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office said. Yes, you are a leftist – not a liberal. Whatever the census lists includes all illegals, the more house seats for that state. Border Patrol. Try harder…FIX TTAG! No Card = Next Plane out of the US. You can bet that non Spanish speakers are not welcome. ICE’s main job is interior illegal alien enforcement. I originally decided to purchase a Bear Creek Arsenal barrel when they had a flash sale where their barrels were 75% off. Due diligence is to use eVarify, which they did. (Page: It ain’t rocket science. Or is it two different standards to judge these individuals? Then if they don’t, they better start saying as much. Full disclosure, I actively and vocally agree with DJT on a border wall and absolutely do not condone illegal immigration or any other activity that is against US, state or local jurisdiction. Popular Sanford, North Carolina-based Bear Creek Arsenal, makers of AR-15 platform rifles, pistols and component parts, was raided by ICE agents earlier today.. From The federal government has no right to require the carrying of identification, much less to deport those who fail to do so. Would have discovered this? Since ICE was NOT crowing about taking in BCA management, my guess would be ICE was hoping they would find some culpability, but management always used the correct system. . When Immigration and Customs enforcement is arresting people at non-importation businesses, it’s about illegals. 4 32 Bear Creek Arsenal produces a lot of stuff including a broad variety of barrels, so it’s quite hard for you to choose the best one. You can feel free to think they should hire less immigrants, but it seems they did use the systems the politicians put in place to check eligibility status. This level of taxation and inflation to fund these socialist programs takes a lot of money from the paycheck of many Americans, consequently the average worker can’t live on a low wage and have a family, thus they call for minimum wage laws to force employers to pay more. The media isn’t required to use the exact wordage you seem to require. “Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through GROSS NEGLIGENCE permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer — shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.”. You said “Mishandling compartmented information is not a crime if there is no intent to break the law. That’s all the actual due diligence any company should need. “Until we implement a biometric federal ID system”. I can’t see the average Mexican/Central American border jumper being a good fit in a plant that manufacturers precision machines like guns. Build the wall to keep them out, deport all the ones here and confiscate all their property and money to pay for the incredible toll their invasion has taken on the US. 6 Likes. The block fits perfectly, and screws down with five hex screws instead of the common two. Then you have the current class that controls the democrat party’s pocketbook: the open borders types. Who thought about the 30 illegals being in possession of a firearm. But hey, if your idea of Christian charity is to deny the children food, well, thats your own soul’s lookout in the hereafter I reckon. And a number of states – intentionally – refuse to provide information that E-Verify needs. There is NO WAY they had 30 Illegals working for them and didn’t know they were not legit. First, they are very budget-friendly rifles.. Second, they are literally the only brand that offers a side charging AR-15 that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.. Third, their customer service team is one of the best in the industry.. And that’s pretty much the whole story. 15s at ridiculously low wages? » Actually, eVerify would be the reason for illegals to use stolen identities. This statute is one of them. Except the part where the director of the FBI announced on NATIONAL TELEVISION that they found classified materials somewhere they were not supposed to be. 2). I must agree to a point. Winston Churchill said the best investment any community can make is to put milk in babies. Better to prevent illegal aliens from entering at all. 4 Close. Work together and get it done. You can bet the districts which include illegals like once conservative districts like San Diego and Orange County, now all those illegals living there will automatically be voting demonrat. 2), DeathHates This is the result of an investigation conducted by Homeland Security into employment that was obtained by either ID theft or fraudulent information.”. I would recommend a 3 mile wide DMZ between the US and Mexico. I think we know the answer to that. Gunfight in New Mexico. Look at the price differential of good 1911s made in America and “handmade” 1911s in foreign nations. Actually the people illegally crossing a border protected by mines will be the ones to decide if the death penalty would be worth it or not. Let em deal with the consequences. And then there’s the open borders libertardian types. Bolt. Patriots, Lovers of Freedom and the USA, Welcome! here is a problem i have. The ID theft and fraud were likely illegals stealing identities to pass employment checks. An emergency isn’t solved by a 25-year construction project. “Bear Creek issued this statement: Today there were several employees who were detained by law enforcement. America is heavily socialist. I just received my 6.5 Grendel upper from them last Friday. many never pay into Social Security, workers comp or unemployment insurance. Leave a Comment / Advice, Gear, Guns / By Eric Jezierski. Identity theft is effective for a reason. Most “enhanced” driver’s licenses and passports use biometrics for your picture. I like BCA, they make a good product for guys like me on budgets. Gas key. Leave me out. Fuck them with a husty chainsaw. (Page: The barrel is pre-dimpled for accurately locating the block. Are there any Bear Creek Arsenal fans out there? All eVerify does is create a bigger market for good fake identities. why would you ship the company owners, plant manager and human resource manager across the border? 2. 4 The ‘left’ is split into differing factions on this matter. 4 Very interesting, are there other parts of the constitution you wish to ignore and slaughter people for your feelings? 4 Don’t know the whole story but seems to be illegals and identity theft, so are we deporting them immediately? A couple of Ma Deuces would work just fine. Intent is irrelevant. Did you get banned from the files Eric? They should be sent back to Mexico (regardless where they came from) the same day they are caught, let the Mexican mafia/government decide what to do with them. I have two of their barrels and a side charge receiver. It’s not difficult to understand why. Dear RON, sometimes, one State will have county names that might match the names of another State’s county names. Good use of the internet. I read the story and it doesn’t mention illegals being taken in to custody. 7040 But I have a big problem with brands that advertise “Made in the USA”, but use shady labor that appears to be of the not-so-legal variety. 4 Maybe if you were willing to pay twice the cost for that upper an American could have made it for you. Walls work fine, but if your problem is immediate, a wall a decade from now doesn’t help. Since one has agreed to be trained, received the training, and attested in writing to the fact that they both received and understood that training and subsequently agreed to follow the procedures, not following them is considered the violation. “Fake news, multiple investigations of the Clintons by FBI and the Department of Justice as well as congressional Republicans have found zero evidence to file charges or indictments.”. “Bear Creek Arsenal Raided by ICE, 30 Illegals Taken Into Custody”, Part of article: RealID also doesn’t require any biometric data. We also now know, e-verify isn’t the perfect background check system people think it is… If only this fact could be applied to some other background check system firearm owners might be familiar with. … Think an Apple warranty contractor in Texas using mostly Vietnamese immigrants for the same reasons. Bear Creek Mountain Resort is a four-season destination resort located within a short drive from Philadelphia, New York, Washington D.C. and Baltimore. Carrier.This is the external housing for the bolt and is attached to the gas key. This has been the case for decades. Can’t believe it. E Verify is a JOKE at present. That’s just 25% of that for the wall, and pretty much it’s a one time payment. And none of those are about purposely hiring illegals. they also pay into sales tax ,personal property tax,ect. We have factory direct pricing on everything you need for your AR-15, AR-10, and AR-9 including complete upper assemblies, lower assemblies, barrels, BCGs, bolts, and we also manufacture Glock and 1911 barrels. 3), YukonBoy03 Big difference. Or we could just hand the thief over to the victims. You can’t have a cheap cost of living in America without illegal immigrants and communist Chinese slave labor. Enjoy amazing 60% Off savings by using these Bear Creek Arsenal coupon codes and promotions this January. 4 Fat chance of any employer fighting that. So Puking Bear Creek is firing Americans and Hiring Illegals with fake papers (you can smell illegals because they can’t afford proper housing). They already have all your biometrics. Or if you were a civilian issued a clearance by the DoD. not sure how many people are employed there can’t seem to find any info on that one. (Page: That was a follow up, and a total load of BS. 61), 44Punk From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiasts, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. An employee of Bear Creek Arsenal was injured in a workplace accident Wednesday afternoon, according to the Sanford Police Department. Those procedures constitute the laws that apply to the handling of classified material. Bob, you are 100% correct. Because for all the videos, interviews and documentation, it shows they don’t want any more border security. Cheap and very useful. If they built redeivers, I would not be surprised if they also turned a blind eye to a certain percentage of production being diverted to the black market as part of the workers’ compensation. Checks one step closer. There are many companies here where they can’t find enough on-site manufacturing engineers that speak Spanish. RIOT SQUAD!!! This is the result of an investigation conducted by Homeland Security into employment that was obtained by either ID theft or fraudulent information. Christian charity. 2 (Page: Show Code. All of you Non business owners, who keep chiming in. 3 Or for bad IDs when the company is complicent. where does that money go. our favorite mental gymnast commenting on a site that’s so terrible. If you’re taking the gloves off, offer dead-or-alive bounties on boarder crossers. Given the sorts of “generals” that were promoted under Obunghole, I’d be shocked if there weren’t toddlers that knew more than they do. Let me share with you the leftist viewpoint, when the owners of bear creek arms are arrested and placed in jail then we will have real progress on stopping the flow of illegal immigrants. Then leave the bodies as a message to other illegals besides the buzzards gotta eat same as the worms. test so I can finally join the conversation. Long time reader but eventually you have to chime in. these people come here illegally and get jobs. their pay stubs will show these deductions. Please share specific instances with details about free benefits received by illegal aliens, thank you. these illegals are not filing for a return or collecting ssi when they retire. How else are AR-15s going to be American made and sold for cheaper prices than newly made foreign AK-47s? Not disagreeing with the possibility that illegals may have been arrested, just wondering from where that leap came. E Verify isnt the best system. Frankly, many republican and conservatives just talk a whole lot of bullshit when it comes to this matter, talking through one side of their mouth, while doing the complete opposite. And what about George W. Bush deleting millions of emails in direct violation of the presidential records act, where was his criminal prosecution? Thank you Dave! (You know the same bullsh*t y’all complain about, illegals getting driver’s licenses. » NO ONE will probably read this Cory but you’re full of guano. “About 30 people were taken into custody in Sanford on Tuesday by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office said.”, The blog repost by Dan states illegals were arrested, the actual article headline states: “30 people detained by ICE at gun manufacturer in Sanford.”. There are places on the border where a herd of horses, cattle, or even elephants could cross. Since the Social Security Administration does not verify SSNs, or (without a warrant) identify to anyone outside the IRS, SSNs belonging to dead people, it is very hard to track someone using an infant’s number or someone who died in a car wreck 5 years ago. Low cost barrels and other parts. They make side-charging components. Yup, I was there then and voted for them. If you have decided to build an AR pistol, this Bear Creek Arsenal barrel is a great starting point for your upper receiver. Bear Creek arsenal needs to be taken to task if it is proven the knew about those illegals working for them. Guess this explains why it was such a good deal. Readers may ofcourse draw their own conclusions, however that is all we then have, the conclusions, right or wrong, of others. they already have connections with mexican workers. It’s not charity if it’s taken from my pocket at government gunpoint. I think this would dry up the market. 2 Maybe you shouldn’t assume the back ground check system is somehow even better than some other background check system we all might, maybe, be familiar with. Just Dropped: Mike Lindell Documentary: Absolute Proof Election Fraud. I Wish More People Grasped How Inflation Works. 7041), Action45 Now, having an issue with a management who mainly hire immigrants… Sounds like an Apple warranty repair contractor hiring Vietnamese immigrants, and for the same reasons. Wait a minute first you say “money, housing, healthcare, etc.” then when pressed for an example its all about free lunches for kids. (Page: Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. Unfortunately, that info is much harder to obtain than it should be. The solution is a better database of stolen identities that is updated more quickly and available not just to the NSA. Now, where's the password? So… Boomer, according to you, Cody Wilson did nothing wrong? Tell others to never buy from them ever again. What is the problem with you idiots? AR15.Com reserves the right to overwrite or replace any affiliate, commercial, or monetizable links, posted by users, with our own. Currently, NSA does have a mountain of usable info, but not legal means to make it available. Bear Creek was not stealing identities, its employees were using stolen identities to land a job that they were not qualified for because they were illegal aliens. 5), 7255 4 Or is the taxpayer fronting the room and board bill again? Can’t say much for a company that makes guns who would hire illegals, or fail to use E Verify to check their identity documents. America is not a “papers, please” nation. Bear Creek offers a premium experience whether in skiing, snowboarding, tubing, spa getaways, hotel stays, dining, or special events. The bolt helps guide the round into the chamber, extracts the spent case, then ejects the spent cartridge once you’ve fired the gun. It’s heartbreaking and unfortunate. Yeah…read between the lines on that one…). Like it or not, there are entire categories of offenses that do not require intent. Why Do Liberal Politicians Call People "Folks" now? All driver’s licenses now a days are required to collect all that info and it’s all sent to the feds. » I love Bear Creek! Sanford is on east coast in Seminole County and Lee County is on the Southwest Coast. Sounds like something the Dumpster would approve of, since he thinks he knows more than HIS generals. We don’t have a million C.P.B. The drug smugglers use the illegals as mules and to run interference while they smuggle them in at a different location. Spread the words. To me that is the same as being a Leftist Liberal TOOL by enabling these Illegal Invaders to take a job from American Citizens because you know they paid them less money. I have one of their uppers in 7.62 I think or maybe a BCG. For just a few hundred dollars, an illegal alien can get a California DL, SSN, and background info on the identity. The big question here will be if the left will hate the gun company for making ARs or love them for supporting illegals. The Globalist Elites have been seeking a way to get a REQUIRED database of everyone for some time now. Unlike what SOMEONE did at Bear Creek…. Well done. Surprising quality though. Rats! Wait.. (Page: unless it has changed since 2014, there is no Federal requirement to provide biometrics in order to fly. I can’t tell you how great it was to leave Kalifornis. Make Friends, Here. Bear Creek bears full responsibility. My understanding is that if someone is caught knowingly employing illegal aliens it is a whopping $ 750 fine. Als… Apparently you are not very intelligent. 3 2 And the only president in decades trying to change this is Trump. The left doesn’t want open borders? (Page: I like them and have no intention of dropping a dime on In all conventional criminal trials in the United States, these two elements, Latin terms for “culpable mind” and “culpable action” respectively, are required to establish the guilt of a defendant.”. 2 GoldenEye 007 Xbox Remaster Leaks, Is Fully Playable On PC. I’m not saying I’m an expert in the matter, just that I know what I know. The concept of “minimum wage” or a “living wage” only exists because of government control on the economy and wages. We don’t live in a true free market economy. There are fees/taxes on simply living a normal life, even for working. Looks like 4Chan is on BofA (Bank of America) Twitter Feed. I have nothing against people who immigrate to the US legally, as Josejuan did. 51 39 They used e-verify, so the owners/management is in the clear. The SS system for stopping illegal employment and operated by the DoD hire them perhaps! 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