Snow: Then they jumped into a car and drove off. Bigby: I'm sorry to inform you...that...your wife has been killed. You see anyone here laughing, Sheriff? Toad: Bollocks... Bigby backs away. That's who the fuck I am, you stupid bitch! Gren hits Bigby, knocking him into the counter. Bigby: What's your name? I've decided to switch seats. Bigby lights his cigarette, then gives Colin one and lights it as well. (offers money) Take it. They hear TJ sobbing. Bigby: I know. After the state I was in, I didn't have me head, that's all it was, I forgot the fuckin' handle was fuckin' busted. Bigby: You'll figure it out. Game Guide. Yes. Bigby picks up the only thing in his freezer, an empty ice tray. Snow: I don't need your help, Bigby. I'll swing by your apartment. Faith: That makes two of us. Snow: That's it. Snow: Oh, god...we're too late. I’d say that’s something worth checking out. I said be nice, or you wait...out...side! for iPhone and iPad. Bigby: What's he been doing? Snow: I wish there was--, Bigby: Go ahead. Woody stands up and moves the couch aside. Bigby: With this sort of thing, it's usually the person who knew them best. He raises his fist. Bigby: The Woodsman. Colin lies down, leaning against a box on the floor. Snow: Let's just keep our focus on questioning Lawrence. 'Cept a buncha people thinkin' I'm somethin' I ain't. It's about your wife, Faith. You could probably still catch her. Bigby: Stay here! He reaches two doors; the left has a broken "3B" sign, and the right door is ajar. Would that help? Snow: Is your son in there? I'm through fightin'. Snow: That's how I feel too. We can't rule him out. I avoid him as much as possible. Beauty: Sorry, Bigby. Dee: Really? You paid her for the drink. Bigby: Why did you run? And I'll tell you what else, it's embarrassing, you bringing all this shit up, alright? Bigby stands up and starts to walk toward Woody, but Gren puts a hand on his chest to stop him. You said you wouldn't hurt me! Bigby: I wouldn't hold my breath. Bigby: Because it wasn't on that table, Toad. He almost gave you the slip. Bigby kicks Woody into the sink, shattering it. Bigby: I don't know if he is. It's sharp...and there's blood on the blade. Bigby: Before all this. Bigby stubs out his cigarette and heads upstairs. Snow: He's the mayor-- Gren: Maybe he don't want to talk to you. Snow: Yeah. Drunk shit... He’s been going on like that for hours. Bigby: We need to tell him about his wife. Dee: Ease up, Bigby... We're on the same side here. I know it's still early, but...I just feel a step behind. You didn't open the letter. Bigby: You know what this means? Hard to understand how he ended up running this place. The Wolf Among Us From the makers of the 2012 Game of the Year: The Walking Dead, comes a thriller based on the award-winning Fables comic books. No voices? After the state I was in, I didn't have me head, that's all it was, I forgot the fuckin' handle was fuckin' busted. I don't think anything would surprise me at this point. It got away from me, a bit. Hopefully he can be rational about it. Why? Bluebeard is out of the country as we speak, so don't even think about accusing him of such a treacherous affair! Right now, I'm the gatekeeper, making sure none of these disenfranchised folks are, as he puts it, wasting his time. But if it turns out that you killed that know what that means. It feels like we're always a step behind. Pillow, perhaps. A family name? Colin: (disapprovingly) Nice. Bigby decides to open the window, since the door is closed (and locked). Snow: this really necessary? Bigby: Should help. Bigby: Last fella that put his hand on me...ended up with an axe in his head. Please don't look for me. Bigby punches Gren, knocking him to the floor. Bigby: "My dearest Faith, I never meant to hurt you, and I cannot endure knowing that I have. Snow: I did. Snow: Oh, my god. Faith: It's okay. They will remember what you did. Bigby: You guys playing right now? Toad: Bigby! That was about an 8 on the asshole scale. Jack brought them back from Appalachia...who knows where they were before then...or what he did to get 'em. I figured someone'd told him. The wound didn't sit very long, you know. Snow: You sound so sure that he's guilty. I don't see what's wrong with that... Toad: Nothing happened, mate. Bufkin: Yes. Woody punches Bigby in the face. Bigby: You wanna tell me what's going on? Snow sets down the phone. Bigby: So, what set him off? Bigby, he's alive. Toad: Yeah, yeah, yeah. A figure is seen through the hole in the wall. No need to hang around here anymore. It's possible. Bigby: Show me...Bufkin. The Woodland Luxury ApartmentsFabletownLate... Bigby is standing on the sidewalk outside of the Woodlands. Maybe a week ago. Bigby: This is a message. Bigby returns to the living room and sits down on the sofa. Bigby looks at the lamp and sees that it matches the mark. You can't. Post Comment. Bigby: Don't worry. He has to go. Bigby throws Woody against the sink. You in there! Fifty eight. Woody: You should. I mean, I called you here--can't we just start over? Toad: So when? Bigby: This isn't last time. I can't have him running around the city in the state he's in. I was here. Bigby: Tell me what happened. Snow: I wouldn't know. Toad talked his way out of that one. Snow runs her hand over his face to close his eyes, then sets him down. I guess I should've listened to you and waited. Mirror: There's no need for that...fine. Bufkin: He probably wrote this in himself. Holly: Fuck you. Bigby: The Woodsman is a person of interest...from what we've been able to gather, he was last seen with the victim. He raises the toaster again. And he's going to find out anyway, so we may as well get out in front of it. Bigby sees police cars gathered outside the building, so he handcuffs Dee/Woody to the nearby streetlight. Hey! Toad: I didn’t know anybody else was up there. Was it the Woodsman? Holly: You gonna order something, or you just here to bother my customers? Snow: I know...I probably should've listened to you. Chapter 2 starts with walking down the street toward a Gate leading to Bigby's apartment. Bigby: I'm not sure that was any more specific. Bigby: This is a murder investigation, Snow. Snow: Then don't you think it probably belongs to him? Bigby: I will, but I asked you first. You're lucky I'm not charging extra. Listen, right? Bigby picks up a Trip Trap branded matchbook. He sees someone duck behind a tree. Snow: With an open wound on the back of your head. Bigby: We'll see. Right. Gren: He was here. Bigby: The Woodsman is the only lead we've got and he was one of the last people to see Faith alive. Bigby closes his eyes and leans back in the sofa, falling asleep. Bigby: And I'm guessing it'd be bad for you to show up empty-handed. Snow: Ugh, I...I'm sorry, this is just so surreal. No one's read these in a while. Luckily he was asleep. Toad: Bigby! You named the Woodsman as your suspect. Snow: Okay... The longer you talk, the longer this takes, so just stand over there and shut up. Let's see what happens when we get inside. I merely...repossess what's been left behind. Yes. Snow: Yeah, maybe you should handle this one. Snow: No. Holly: No. Beauty: Alright...alright. Dee runs through an alley, chased by Bigby. ", Bigby: You should. Mr. Toad noticed your silence. TJ: What is it? Bigby: Come on, guys. Bigby puts the gun away. You took the blame. Bigby: What's it do? You avoided a direct answer. Still fresh. Nothing. Mirror: These lips are sealed. It’s a problem, I get it, I just stepped outside the apartment for just a second to see what kind of damage this drunk shit is doing. Colin will remember that. The Wolf Among Us takes place prior to the comics and lets players take on the role of Bigby Wolf (The Big Bad Wolf), who has been exiled to New York City. Bigby: Bullshit! Woody: (slurred) What? Dee manages to escape. You know I'm right. I been standing here a half hour already. Get the fuck out of the way before you get the axe again. I don't know. Gren grabs Bigby's leg and throws him against the ground and and various objects in the bar. He sees Dee run past the window. When you enter the building, look around. After a brief conversation with Snow, proceed to careful examination of the Head, the Neck, and the Mouth. Bigby: Official Fabletown business. It's confidential. You can look at and open your Mailbox. But I didn't do it. That's not a problem. He says nothing, sitting down at the bar and taking a sip from his drink. Bigby: Look, I'm not even gonna ask where he is now, okay? He's going to remember that. Faith: That's gonna leave a mark. (If Bigby went to Lawrence first.) Only comes sniffing around this part of town when the rich fucks in the Woodlands need a shakedown. The picture shows a smiling Faith and Lawrence. After Bigby examines the latch, poker, sill, and dust ring, he returns to Toad. Bigby: The lock. Bigby picks up Woody and twists his arm behind his back. We'll figure out the rest later. Bigby: That's a little on the harsh side. Bigby: It doesn't look good when a girl you were just smackin' around shows up dead hours later. Colin will remember that. I came to get you right away. Faith: Fuck you! (After examining lamp and dust ring.) She's better off without me...without me being here to drag her down. Bigby: Then you got nothing to worry about. Bigby turns on the fan. Gren: And what great work you do, Sheriff. 0. Gren: What're you--blind? Bigby: You got a problem, friend? Get our ducks in a row. Someone might've hopped the fence, got caught, then left the trail I found earlier. Faith: I can't go until this deadbeat pays me. They fear you more than anything. Is it in your room? Just like when you chose to Investigate, Snow asks whether she should tell Deputy Mayor about what happened. Colin laps up the bourbon. He'll be alright. We're not playing Ten Little Indians here! Bigby: You could ask me to move. Toad: Oy, don't you go Mother Henning now! Bigby sits down on the bar stool next to Gren. Dee: This could've been easy. Woody: Aaaaaarrgh. Bigby ducks as the toaster sails over his head. How awful... Such as "Missing more Actions & Speakers". You let Snow open the letter. Bigby: No signs that it's been here long... Bigby takes the fabric. (If Bigby lied to Lawrence.) Snow: Oh... It's been a long day. Bigby: Whatever "it" is, Beast. I wonder what the story was. Please return should you wish to ask about someone else...or someone new. Bigby: He'll have to. Gren chuckles. You want the Big Bad Wolf to take you away? Toad: What d'ya mean? Bigby: I guess it's useless to drag it out. You chose violence. Faith: Back off, asshole. Your silence left her unsure. Beast goes down the stairs and walks past the elevator, stopping when he sees Bigby. They run up another staircase, and Dee throws down a vase and then another table, which can again hit or miss Bigby depending on his reactions. Lawrence: I made a decision...for felt like the only way Bigby: What happened? Bigby flies through the air, carrying the bottle of wine. Mr. Toad: Bigby, please...That’s a low blow, mate. Snow appreciated that. Bigby: We still have some time...I should keep investigating the area. He dodges and wrestles for the axe against Woody. Ican’t give you a free pass on this, Toad. He won't tell me why, and he acted nervous when I brought it up. Bigby: It's sharp...and there's blood on the blade. Bigby: Uh-huh. Bigby: This is for your own safety, Toad. Beauty: Look, if you don't have anything to say, I'm just gonna... Beauty walks away, but pauses when she reaches the gate. Maybe this isn't for me. Woody raises his fist. Sorry. I'm just giving you shit. Whatever it is you do. Gren: How about you keep your drink and piss off? Bigby: You are gonna tell me--right now--what the fuck happened before we showed up-- Bufkin pauses as the group shares looks of horror. Toad: You stay here to accuse me of heaven knows, and for what, Bigby? Faith walks up to him. Bigby: Here. I don't mean to intrude, but...Flycatcher said you had a "pretty awesome" insect collection, and I was wondering if you could...perhaps...let me see it? We need to--. Fuck, man. It's just so...awful. I didn't touch her. This is what I called you about, Sheriff. Bigby: Yup. He follows the sound of Dee's footsteps through one of the hallways. I’ll get me glamour first thing in the morning. I would remember. Either something he knows or something he's kept, but I won't play any more games with him! (If it was damaged.) Bigby: Yeah. After thorough investigation you can go back to Snow and compare the torn piece of jeans with her skirt (only if you have picked up the Scrap of Fabric). Bigby touches the blood on Lawrence's wrist. Colin: Clearly, that's not true, what with the selfishness with the bourbon. Bufkin flies over to a different open book. Bigby: Why...did you run? Get over here, Bigby! Bigby: We should wait until we have more to tell him. Dee: I know where he is. To have to turn to...prostitution. Bigby: I don't know. Faith: I have to go drop off...what I have. Thank you. Bigby bursts into the room and finds it empty. He can kick him in the knee or do nothing. Crane: --and now you tell me there's a killer on the loose? Snow: It doesn't mean someone definitely brought it from outside, right? Bigby walks back toward the street to see that Woody has disappeared. Toad: And if you had come when I asked you to, maybe he wouldn't'a had the nerve to strong-arm me boy. Bigby takes a drink, then sets down the glass, returned to his human form. "After discovering damning evidence at a bloody crime scene, Bigby is just steps behind the prime suspect of a horrific murder, but he's not the only one; other forces in Fabletown will stop at nothing to protect their interests. Bigby throws Woody into the couch, making it flip over. Snow and Bigby stop when Cryer turns the corner. Never took you for a quitter. Bigby: I never caught her real name. Beauty: I'll be sure to send her an apology. Bigby: Can you hear me?! Every detail. Snow: Yes, thanks. She was worried about a money situation. We were lucky it didn't go any further... Bigby: What was he looking for? If he gave Colin a drink, he finds that Colin left sometime during his nap. He...could use some help too. Woody headbutts Bigby, making him stumble backward. Bigby: Prescription sleeping pills. Like you said, it looks fuckin' looks really bad. What'd I say about that word?! Bigby: What kind of leads? Dee: He's the one you want. After the initial chit-chat, seemingly troubled Colin asks you not to send him back on the farm. Toad: Like I said, I heal fast. Bigby: Some things are more important than your car. Snow will remember that. Woody: Guess you wanna know about the girl. And I want to get in two seconds of shut-eye before I... Look. Bufkin: It says "Bricklebit" in an older Elvish hand. If I'm in trouble, need help, if I call about somethin', you always take the livelong day to get here. I'll go get Swineheart. Show me Prince Lawrence. Colin: (disapprovingly) Nice. Toad mockingly waves at Bigby, then frowns. Bigby: No one else was with you? Colin walks away. Bigby: There’s too much at stake. And I don't know why you'd cover for it...but I know you're lying about something. Bufkin: Mm. I'm staying out of it. At least...that's how I think it happened...things are a little fuzzy...thought it was a bad dream. Toad: Bigby, I-- Bigby: I've seen enough. Bigby: good is your insurance? Bigby Wolf, Sheriff of Fabletown, must work a murder case when a Fable is killed and he must work with Snow Whiteto find out who the murderer is. Snow. (If Bigby went to Lawrence first.) Bigby: His place. Help me up. You can't keep sneaking off The Farm like this. Bigby: Your boss. Colin will remember that. I've got all the motivation I need to find out who did this. Shit. (LIST OF ALL CHOICES MADE LISTED IN THE COMMENTS!) Pizza in the fridge I even tried to give the bastard her coat. You've got a shit fuckin' memory, Wolf. He adjusts his tie uncomfortably. They slip out of his grasp and fall on the floor, along with Bufkin. Charge the drink on there too...and the glass. Dee: Fuck, man! Snow: A message? I'm tired of feeling trivial, mate. I'll see you again. Woody: Well, some folks are forced to play with shit... Bigby: Second-hand paperbacks. But to tell you the truth, I don't know yet...but I know you're lying about something. Snow: Her name's Faith, she was married to Prince Lawrence. Snow and Bigby see two people walking along the sidewalk across from the gate. Colin: Well, you can't change people's memories, either. Faith: These lips are sealed... (If this option was not already chosen.) But I didn't do it. Sheriff Bigby Wolf is seen in the backseat of a taxi, being driven to a building. Bigby: Where is he? Chapter 2 starts with walking down the street toward a … Woody: For what? No. Snow: Well, that's not what I have here. Haven't gone totally to the dogs, eh? Lawrence shoots himself in the head. Toad: Hidin' something? Bigby examines the Book of Fables. Mundies? Bigby knocks the armor, producing a clanging noise and sending up a cloud of dust. Faith: Thanks... (If Bigby took the matchbook.) Toad: Though I wouldn't wear it outside... Toad: Fuckin' hell, of course there is. I'll think about it. Tempted to take a bite? Bigby: (looking at bloodstains) Blood. I played along as long as I could. Do you have any idea how much it costs to have an entire family in glamour? This was for the best. Bigby: It's not like that. Maybe it's time that changed. Do something, Bigby. Should I...mark it, Miss Snow? A way to help. Sorry, Bigby. Toad: But I'm not-- You already gave your money to Faith. Gren: Don't be so sure. It doesn't really matter the time of day. Beast catches the closing elevator doors, and they reopen. Can't do anything right. Bigby: You bleeding? Let's try and give it to him. The Wolf Among Us Game Guide by I haven't seen him for a couple days. This place is falling apart. Snow walks inside the building. Snow: I hope so. When? Bloody hell, mate, c'mon, get off with this. Bigby: Why were you looking through books, huh? Snow: Allerleirauh...means "every-kind-of-fur" in German. Snow agrees with your theory. There's a bloke upstairs, going through all the Woodsman's things. No. Bigby can kick him in the ribs or do nothing. Look, I'm not saying it's fair...but it's real. Bufkin: Maybe it will brighten your shitty mood a little. Bigby: Maybe...or we don't have the whole story. I don't really know how to feel about what happened in there. (If Bigby went to Lawrence first.) All's so cheap, it's a wonder it stays standing as long as it does. TJ: What is it? Holly walks behind the bar counter, where Gren is already seated. Can I get you anything? Let’s just get upstairs. Faith: I let you slap me around for a while. You are to blame for this unpleasantness, Miss Snow! Toad: I cut me hand, I broke the lamp--I forgot me keys so I climbed the sill. It's all anyone can do. You fucker! Bigby: Nobody, right now. Besides, I just swung an axe into the guy's head...I'd say we're even. No. Cross my heart. Woody and Dee both start to run in different directions. I was there to rob them...when I showed up, you were already there...lying the bed. Beauty: I'll explain it all to you later. I'm not sending you back. Mirror: Of which Fable do you wish to know? Toad: I need to get a dust pan one of these days... Toad: I should probably get that thing fixed... Toad: Place needs a bit of dusting, I s'pose. Don't worry. Beauty: Well, I went for a walk. Toad: I just hadn't gotten around to it yet! You don't need to be yelling at her. Another crash is heard. You left Snow unsure. He wakes up some time later to see that Dee and Dum are gone and Snow is kneeling next to him. Woody lies on the floor, groaning in pain. Bigby: I’m not worried. (starts crying) I just wish I could've done better by her... She's always been there for me. (If it was damaged.) Bigby storms outside in a hurry to contact Snow. Toad: That more blood? You’re the Sheriff, Bigby, and the man’s clearly disturbing the peace... or whatever a Mundy cop would call it. Bigby stubs out his cigarette and heads upstairs. Beauty: I don't have time to go into it right now. Bigby: Yeah. I thought it was weird too. Bitch? Bigby: Yeah. Bigby: It was plugged in over here...and now it's there. Bigby stabs Gren's shoulder with his claws and jumps over him. Colin Sounds about right. Yup. Faith throws the coins on the ground and kicks Woody in the ribs. Bigby slams Woody's head against the bookshelf, then picks him up. Regardless of which decision you have taken, the course of the story is the same. Bufkin smiles. You don't have your glamour. You alright back there? R-- Crane: Anything? Toad: Ah, well, that's--that's how it happened, didn't it? Woody: I didn't do it. With a robust cast of some of the world's treasured fairytale creatures and characters, as well as a story that is sure … That's all. You told him Faith is dead. (If Bigby didn't take the matchbook.) They exit after reaching the lobby. The latter climbs out and tries to run away. Bigby: When the magic mirror showed me this apartment...I think I saw a knife inside, covered in what looked like blood. Bigby: You’re the landlord, Toad. Bigby: Come on out. Snow: Well...maybe we should have "dragged it out". Holly: Woodsman. And Miss White! Toad: On the poker? Hey! He examines her neck. She looks familiar. Woody: Put ME down? Bigby: Toad's hiding something, but I don't know what yet. And I don't like raising my voice unless I really have to. Snow: Then they jumped into a car and drove off. Just humor me. I wasn't there to save her... Bigby: What are you talking about exactly? Just blowin' off some steam, is all. Bigby: What happened? After you walk through the gate you may look around and see a Sign laying on the ground. Woody: Is this the type of treatment I can expect if I let you take me in? Bigby: You'll never guess where I found the other one of these. That's why I need to talk to him. Snow: Well, like I said, let's not overcomplicate things. Snow: What's that? Mm-hmm. Woody and Bigby charge at each other and crash through the window. The Wolf Among Us Game Guide is also available in our Mobile App. But you play the hand you're dealt. Bufkin: We look out for each other! Bigby: Now, you're gonna tell me what's going on here, or I'm gonna start-- 1 Prologue 2 New York 3 Tenenment Building 4 The Woodland Luxury Apartments 5 Bigby's Apartment 6 The Woodlands Entrance 7 Business Office 8 The Woodsman's Apartment 9 Lawrence's Apartment 10 Cab 11 The Trip Trap Bar 12 Street A man discusses the weather … Bigby: Snow can sometimes be a disciplinarian... Bigby walks toward the entrance door, but stops when he hears rustling in the bushes. Woody: I'd walked past her place for weeks... She didn't look like it, but she had money. Suspects? Bigby: Dry. I was gonna rob her. The Wolf Among Us ' penultimate episode is the tenderest, loneliest, and most gruesome so far. Complaints at the office... walked past her place for weeks... you would n't advice... Different directions '' upon this catastrophe on our very doorstep we need to find Strange sign into the has... Boy was faffin ' about, playin ' sods and swordfish and neck and is... 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