To mitigate this threat, you can change Windows settings to view file extensions, and optionally to view hidden files and operating system files where viruses also sometimes hide. Social Engineering − Is a technique that a hacker uses to stole data by a person for different for purposes by psychological manipulation combined with social scenes. Information security follows three overarching principles, often known as the CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity and availability). Computer Application Whitelistening − The idea is to install just a restricted number of applications in your computers, which are useful as well as are genuine. Use usernames and passwords!!! WHAT IS COMPUTER SECURITY? The full list can be seen in PCMagazine −,2817,2413556,00.asp#. Disable Auto Logon − By default, the Mac OS X is configured to automatically logon the first administrative user that is created. Share it! To help alleviate these concerns, our Information Technology and Information Security departments teamed up to create '10 Tips for Basic Computer Maintenance & Security'. Click OK. Figure 1: Screen saver settings page with preferred settings. The cardinal rule of security is that No one thing makes a computer secure. System information script that displays detected information by a browser. Microsoft Windows is the world's most used consumer operating system. From backup points to hard drive encryption and protection against spyware, here's how … Select On resume, display logon screen to activate the screen lock timeout. By default, the root user of the Mac OS X doesn’t have a password, so you have to put one and then create a user with less privilege for daily usage. The majority of new malware targets vulnerabilities and insecure user practices on the Windows operating system. 2. By Woody Leonhard . Step 8. We should mention that encryption is for good or bad purpose. Step 1. Functions and responsibilities of the employees that are affected by this policy. Disable Unused Users − To do this, Right Click on Computer – Manage – Local Users and Groups – Users, then disable those users that are not required. Computer Security 1. Step 5. How to protect yourself while on the Internet. You better do it weekly because it will not overload your networks, in case you have a large network. Instead of accepting Express Settings, click [Customise settings]. Computer privacy and security basics. Step 2. It tells what should the users access, when they can work and on which software like SSH, VPN, RDP. In this chapter, we will discuss on an advanced checklist that we will use in order to educate users and IT staff too, when it comes to any security issues, they should come as natural expressions. Windows communicates information from your computer back to Microsoft and other servers which can violate the privacy of the user. Type Firewall in your system's search panel to find the Windows Firewall Control Panel. All this can make even a school boy with the curiosity, a potential hacker for your organization. BASIC CONCEPTS IN COMPUTER SECURITY ARZATH AREEFF 2. I did a test with a URL and it came out to be clean and that too 100%, so I can visit it without my computer being infected. See the following scenario which tells us what employees might end up doing without computer security awareness −. It can be downloaded from, I should mention that all the producers of free antiviruses offers their commercial versions too. •Computer security is refers to techniques for ensuring that data stored in a computer cannot be read or compromised by any individuals without authorization. If you have found a virus but you want to investigate further regarding its function. To create this policy, you should answer some questions such as −. Among other provisions, the law sets rules on storing and retaining business records in IT systems. Computer Hope's privacy statement and legal information. Step 2. Step 2. For the remaining options click to change them to . The interpretation of an aspect in a given environment is dictated by the needs of the individuals, customs, and laws of the particular organization. Step 3. On the first Customise Settings screen, click on all options, they will turn to, Figure 2: Windows installation Customise Settings page 1. In my case, I did a screenshot of my laptop which is a Windows 7. The aim of this is to exhaust the attacker when he succeeds to penetrate the first layer of security by finding a hole, then he has to find a hole in the second layer and so on, until he arrives at the destination if he succeeds. Step 2. Protect Your Personal Information. Step 4. Re-type the password for the new account under the section under it. Make a secure backup of your files before encrypting the files. The protection of Make sure your computer is protected with up-to-date Network attached storage (NAS) − They are generally devices that are used in small businesses for backup purposes because they offer a centralized manner of backup. To do so: Click System Preferences – General – Uncheck “Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices”. Some malware hides itself as well as your documents as hidden files then creates shortcuts with names identical to your original documents which, when opened, redirect to the virus file and infects your computer. Please keep in mind that this list can be modified according to your company needs and staff too. It can be downloaded from Don’t accept invitation from unknown people on social media. Set password for the root user and create a less privileged user. It can be used in Windows OS, Mac OS and Linux as well. Top privacy and security … VPN Policies − These policies generally go with the firewall policy, it defines those users who should have a VPN access and with what rights. Step 1. Computer Viruses. It may avoid detection by redirection of disk data. In Computer Security, layers is a well-known practice which was taken from military techniques. Step 1. Step 1. Important: Steps below will help you encrypt your files. Quiz Flashcard. 1. These manufacturers are paid by the software vendors to include this software and the bundled software may not benefit and may even harm the interest of the consumer. Each offers different protection opportunities. Nowadays, learning the basics of the computer is necessary in this technology world, because some works can't be done without a computer. BASIC CONCEPTS IN COMPUTER SECURITY ARZATH AREEFF 2. It was developed jointly by American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and JCB. In the previous chapter, we saw how to secure our computers and one of the points was installing and updating antivirus software. Put Open Firmware password − Double click the application icon to open it. Once installed, activate them in order to take up the genuine updates. When you compile a security policy you should have in mind a basic structure in order to make something practical. Step 2. Generally, it is used for Web Servers, Mail Servers, FTP servers. For example: only IT personnel should enter at any given point of time. Click [Accounts] then select [Sign-in options] from the left-hand menu. Figure 2: Selecting Windows Privacy Settings. Step 1. A good example is the pigeon couriers, where the kings used to send messages to their commandants in the battle field in a specific code, when the enemies caught them, they could not read them, just that the message was lost, but if arrived at the destination commandant had the decryption vocabulary so they could decrypt it. Basic Computer Security 10 question trivia quiz, authored by Codelock. It should have hardware or software that provides access controls, integrity controls, auditing and transmission security. However with a some configuration adjustments described below, BitLocker can still be used on computers without a TPM chip. Install a licensed antivirus and take updates, in the coming sections we will cover in detail about antiviruses. Virus − It is a malicious software that installs on your computer without your consent for a bad purpose. See our Minimum Security Standards Anti-Malware Software Guidelines for more information Tip #10 - Back up your data. The monitoring part like tracing logs, looking for doubtful signatures and keeping history of the events triggered. Nowadays technology compliance is becoming more important because it is developing too fast and legal issues are raising more often than ever. Email Usage Policy − This is one of the most important policies that should be done because many users use the work email for personal purposes as well. Some of the main points which have to be taken into consideration are −. Some key steps that everyone can take include (1 of 2):! 1. Scroll down to the Location history section of the Location settings. 12/20/2020 Basic Computer Security: How to Protect Yourself from Viruses, Hackers, and Thieves 1/14 How-To Geek Basic Computer Security: How to Protect Yourself from Viruses, Hackers, and Thieves CHRIS HOFFMAN AND MATT TOAZ @chrisbhoffman UPDATED NOVEMBER 14, 2019, 1:55PM EDT People often think of computer security as something technical and complicated. This is a scenario that happens often in companies which have applications and databases and they want to test their applications with a specific version of data. and predictions for their removal), protection (prevent potential attacks . Choosing a Secure Web Browser []. Secure your network especially wireless, passwords should be used. So if you are a system administrator in the health system you should read and check your systems if they are in compliance with this act. Step 2. After finding this, I tried it on a base64 decoder and I found that it was a Virus file. Many cyber security incidents can be prevented by applying basic computer security practices, controls and … Data that you use to store information which can be financial, or non-financial by encryption. Windows is a closed-source operating system. We have done the configuration and the system is up and working, but after a week we hear that the platform was hacked. To restrict apps from accessing your microphone, click on their respective buttons to turn them off. Keyboard or mouse doesn’t answer to your commands, you have to check the plug-ins. Physical computer security is the most basic type of computer security and also the easiest to understand. Files and program sizes changes comparing to its original version. Read our guides on Gnu/Linux Basic Security and Mac OS X Basic Security. Enable the BitLocker Drive Encryption to encrypt hard drives, but it is only available in Windows & Ultimate and Upper Versions. If you need to leave your laptop, phone, or tablet for any length of time - lock it up so no one else can use it. Step 6. One of them in the server is the Windows backup which is included in the Windows Server Edition License. section. Generally, this network is created between two secure network devices like two firewalls. when a threat is actually executed, it becomes an attack. In this guide we will use a password. Use the licensed versions of Windows OS, not the cracked or pirated ones and activate them in order to take genuine updates. In this context, bugs can allow attackers to gain access to a system and do irreparable damage. For example − They attach themselves in general to the explorer.exe in windows OS because it is the process that is running all the time, so you should be cautious when this process starts to consume too much of your computer capacities. Step 7. Figure 1: The Express Settings confirmation screen during Windows installation. Step 2. However, this means that the hash of the original data must be provided in a secure way. Computer security, the protection of computer systems and information from harm, theft, and unauthorized use. Note: The Windows key is a key located on most windows computers between the Ctrl and Alt keys, it should either have a or icon on it. Error while the system is booting in bios stage, like Bios’s battery cell display, timer error display. They help also the network administrators to check the connection integrity and authenticity that occur. Such software is known as bloatware: software which bloats your computer. Further information on this can be found on the following link −, This has to do with the retail online stores industry mostly. Commonly used methods to protect data integrity includes hashing the data you receive and comparing it with the hash of the original message. Click [YES]. This policy also includes other aspects like, who will authorize the new devices that will be connected with network? •Most computer security measures involve data encryption and passwords. Similarly, click the button under Personalized ads wherever I use my Microsoft account to turn it off. Additionally in some versions of Windows 10 Microsoft forces users to backup encryption recovery keys to a Microsoft online account which may compromise security of this key. Step 2. If you want to learn everything you can earning a Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Science with a Major in Cyber and Network Security - Cybersecurity Track could be your next step. After finding this file, I opened it with a text editor and as thought the text was not understandable as shown in the following screenshot. Many PC manufacturers include additional software with Windows when you purchase a new computer. For a personal computer, they are −. Perhaps the most well-known computer security threat, a computer virus is a program written to alter the way a computer operates, without the permission or knowledge of the user. Alternatives to BitLocker below. Windows security can be easy! Step 3. You can use the password. Secure Boundary and End-To-End Messaging − Nowadays email or instant messaging is widely spread and it is the number one tool to communicate. Choose apps that can read or send messages by clicking on their respective buttons (to turn them on or off). Basic Computer Security PPT for Visitors (Basic-Cybersecurity-Training-Fermilab-Visitors.pptx, 1.7 MB) Topics: Shared Systems and Services:Computer Security:Training & Education; Tune IT Up; Authors: Jessie J Pudelek; Keywords: basic computer security slides power point presentation event. System information script that displays detected information by a browser. It protects all the operating systems like Windows, Mac OS, Android, and iOS devices. For example, accessing an e-commerce webpage. To set it up follow: Apple menu – System Preferences – Click Users & Groups. Step 2. This prevents third parties from collecting location data. They offer a high speed of network for storage the biggest producers are EMC Corporation, DELL. Configure Screen saver password protected: To set this up, follow this path – System Preferences – Screen Effect – Activation – Set “Time until screen effect starts” = 5 Minutes – Set “Password to use when waking the screen effect” = use my user –account password. Turn off Use AutoPlay for all media and devices. The main purpose is to be as a stand-by as in any case of a disaster, it replicates and backs up the data. In short, anyone who has physical access to the computer controls it. It slows down when a program or process starts. There are many different web browsers available to you, all of which will display the web in a similar way. The physical security of your devices is just as important as their technical security. Click the button under Let apps use my microphone to turn it off. If you enter correct password your computer will start as before. Step 2. Software Security Policy − This policy has to do with the software’s installed in the user computer and what they should have. Network Folder Encryption − Again like the case of Network Authentication, if you have a network storage or a network folder shared, it is good to be encrypted to prevent any unauthorized user who is listening to the network to read the information. They are lesser in cost when compared to other solutions and they also offer a good fault tolerance as they are configured in RAID (redundant array of independent disks). The following graph gives us a basic idea. To limit Microsoft from collecting information like your contacts, typing history, calendar events, speech and handwriting patterns, do not click on [Get to know me] button and ensure that any eventual dials on this screen are turned off. To configure SmartScreen, follow the steps below: Step 1. Introduction to four of the principles of Computer Security: Integrity, Confidentiality, Availability and Non-repudiation. as there can be a simple copying of files or by using any third party software. Yet it is basic evidence gathering by using packet capture appliances that puts criminals behind bars. It may perform tasks by triggering an event with itself. His monthly Q&A columns in ZD Smart Business magazine have one million readers, and he has been honored with multiple Computer Press Awards.Ciprian Rusen is co-founder and chief editor of Digital Citizen, a tech-focused blog at The other is Amazon with it product S3 details about this product can be found on − Here you can choose how and whether you would like to send device feedback back to Microsoft Windows for diagnostics. Check if the operating system is being updated. Windows Defender is software designed to detect and remove malware and it is built in Windows operating systems. All antivirus engines have three components to function accordingly. Figure 5: Adding account information for the new user. Click [Change Settings] from the Windows Update side panel. Those who execute such action, or cause them to be executed are called attackers. Click the plus sign next to [Add someone else to this PC] under Other users. Click [Scan now] under the Security section to begin scanning your computer with Windows Defender for malware. More information can be found on Wikipedia − Technology with the end-users has increased rapidly within these years, like internet bandwidth and computer processing speeds. File extensions are a part of the names of files which tell the operating system which type of file it is and what process or application to use to open it. 1. It also gives a useful bonus in security tools like credit card protection in your computers. Computer Security Basics David Young Cytoclonal Pharmaceutics Inc. Click Enter a password. This book is written for a reader with little to no previous knowledge of security issues, but one who is familiar with the basic functionality of his or her computer's operating system. Step 3. Step 3. Malwares attach themselves to programs and transmit to other programs by making use of some events, they need these events to happen because they cannot −, From the above conclusions, we should know that when some unusual processes or services are run by themselves we should further investigate their relations with a possible virus. Without the correct password there will be no way to recover those files. Avoiding Many Types of Malware Malware is any software that is designed to cause damage to and/or unauthorized access to devices or networks. For example, what are they allowed to install in their computer, if they can use removable storages. The following image shows the schema for an antivirus engines functionality. Start. This as a compliance doesn’t have a direct law impact, but if it is neglected, you can be charged for other law infringements. Step 2. Review your installed programs. To scan your computer for malware with Windows Defender, follow the steps below: Step 1. There is also no need for any backup infrastructure and maintenance. Click the Start button and search for Windows Update. Full list of computer security-related terms. It can be downloaded from − Basic Computer Security - Key. When you go and check, you see the cleaning lady doing her job and by mistake, she had removed the power cable and unplugged the server. 2. If a document fails to start normally like a corrupted file, but the other files can be opened accordingly. Disable Autoplay for Removable Media. Examples of high-demand computer security and networks jobs found at many companies are security administrator, software security engineer, information security officer, information security analyst, and risk analyst, along with more specialized jobs like cryptographer and penetration tester. During the Quiz End of Quiz. People having access to computer systems should have their own user id with password protection. This tutorial is done mainly for people that are within the IT industry who are IT specialists, System administrators, Security administrators. The biggest vendors offering such service are Microsoft with AZURE solution − which is offering a very high performance and scalability for this solution. One thing that never ceases to amaze me is how little so many of them seem to know about the security of the information stored both in their computer and on the internet as a result of their browser habits. The server room should have an authorized level. But they (Data) are at the risk to be stolen by a simple wiretapping as the communication is in clear text, to prevent this, SSL Protocol will help to encrypt this communication. and it is recommended to register by serial numbers too. In my case, I disabled the Guest and Administrator users and I created a new non-default like Admin. Which ports and services should be allowed and if it should be inbound or outbound. Another one is Acronis which is one of the best in the market − Check if the user is password protected. If you return to the Family & other users section of your Account Settings, you will see the new user account that you have just created. Click [OK], Step 4. Following are a couple of characteristics of any virus that infects our computers. It also minimizes the application service interruption. From the PCMagazine ( you can get a review which are the best top rated free antiviruses at the moment. Click [Privacy] through your Settings screen. If you are an enterprise, you should have a disaster recovery site which generally is located out of the city of the main site. Figure 1: Security and Maintenance window. The sections below explain how you can do so. Example in real life − Let’s say a hacker has compromised a webserver of a bank and put it down. Then we should look for any modified, replaced or deleted files and the shared libraries should also be checked. Let us see the schema of their positions −, One of the best intrusion detection tool is Snort, you can take information and download the same from − Figure 1: Right-click menu on system drive on Windows computer with BitLocker. We will train from the introduction, parts of the computer such as hardware to software and also how to use it completely for your daily works. These employees can be team leaders, managers, senior managers, system administrators, and such high designation based people. Click the button under Let apps access and send email to turn it off. Install only trusted internet explorer browsers like Internet explorer, Chrome or Mozilla Firefox and then update them regularly. It is important to store a copy of your recovery key in a secure place. Click [OK] to apply the screen saver settings. It offers OneDrive and you can store up to 5GB in their cloud and it has an interface for different Operating Systems. Computer hardware is typically protected by the same means used to protect other valuable or sensitive equipment, namely, serial numbers, doors and locks, and alarms. Type the password for the new account under the Make it secure section. To do so we follow this path: Click on System Preferences –Software Update – Change the default “weekly” to “daily” – Quit System Preferences. Cite this document Summary … Download full paper File format: .doc, available for editing. Revisit this process if you wish to change your password. To improve your ability to recognise infected file, you may change Windows settings to view hidden and operating system files. User Account Policy − This policy defines what a user should do in order to have or maintain another user in a specific system. Step 5. A good tool for this is Truecrypt. Isn't this just an IT problem? Security-in-a-Box is a project of Tactical Technology Collective and Front Line Defenders, How to create and maintain secure passwords, Superfish adware pre-installed on Lenovo computers. ), cyber–attack or hardware failure like servers or routers. You can choose how will you unlock your disk when starting the computer. Click on the [Turn Windows Firewall on or off] link. A virus replicates and executes itself, usually doing damage to your computer in the process. There are many 'flavours' of GNU/Linux, some popular ones include Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and Mint. Some of the areas you’ll want to address when training your employees on basic computer security practices include: Email security- password protection, encryption, double checking intended recipients, making sure the correct attachment is being sent, not opening spammy looking … Whereas, IT policies are designed for IT department, to secure the procedures and functions of IT fields. WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Basic Computer Security Checklist TRINITY COLLEGE q Install and enable the (Software) auto-update features in your OS (Macintosh – Windows) q Use the OS Firewall (It should be on by default (But make sure to check)) q Install, update and run (At least weekly) anti-virus software (free tools are available). In the following URL you can check by yourself,2817,2388652,00.asp, Let us understand in detail about some of these antivirus software −, This antivirus has good scores in malware blocking and anti-phishing test scans, it can be downloaded from Confidentiality is the concealment of information or resources. Following is an image which explains about Layer Security. Step 2. Select the [Turn on Windows Firewall] option under Public network settings (if it's not already selected). Making a computer secure requires a list of different actions for different reasons. One day, you see that the organization employees are not accessing the systems anymore. Step 9. There are some basic things that everyone of us in every operating system need to do − Check if the user is password protected. 0 ) Add to wishlist delete from wishlist own user id with protection. Specific files or by using any third party software disaster, it is free and easy to configure the history... 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