Sign up for our newsletter. Cultural and Environmental; Diseases. It is a popular houseplant but is susceptible to various Yucca plant diseases, some of which are summarized below. Indoor Plant Diseases. Indoor plant care is especially important during the winter period when a minimal amount (if any) of sunlight comes through the window. Those affected by a virus are not as common unless left outdoors; however, they may appear stunted in growth with crinkled leaves and mottled color. To prevent botrytis, inspect houseplants … Replace them every few days until the white fly has disappeared. Symptoms often include many tan to reddish brown to black roughly circular spots or lesions that may run together to cause large irregular shaped lesions (tuberous begonia) or blighting of the entire leaf. It can be tough for a plant to recover from this disease. Many plant diseases can quickly return if the dead plant matter isn’t properly disposed of. During winter, move plants to … Overwatering may cause rotting of both roots and stems. Find a sunnier location, or make an effort to turn the plant more often so that the backside is getting enough light. Overwatering is the main cause of root rot. Houseplants may not fully recover; however, repotting can help improve their chances, as well as drainage and ventilation. Covering the surface of pots with a 4-5cm layer of decorative pebbles or a medium grade gravel or grit helps prevent adults laying eggs in the potting mix. However, there are fungal, viral and bacterial conditions that can affect them. Always check the soil first to determine if watering is necessary by sticking your finger in the soil. Fungicides are available, however most indoor gardeners will find that these chemicals probably cost more than a new plant. How to Identify Indoor Garden Pests & Diseases Susan Eitel | December 27, 2016 Takeaway: If you need a little help addressing a pest or disease problem in your growroom, look no further than Susan Eitel’s handy guide to identifying common pests and diseases, all of which have been known to compromise the quality of indoor gardens everywhere. The tell-tale sign is in the roots, where you will find a brown slime with a foul odor. Therefore if Rust is suspected you must isolate it from other houseplants to prevent it spreading. /*-->*/ Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Common Plant Diseases: Introduction to Common Plant Diseases:- Well, to become a successful farmer, you should be aware of common garden plant diseases and pests or crop diseases. Despite their protected location, your indoor plants may sometimes come under attack from a range of pests and diseases, some of which can cause damage and be difficult to control without the use of sprays. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Indoor plants are not often troubled by diseases like moulds, mildews and spots but sometimes these fungal diseases can appear. Gray Mold: Also called Botrytis; a fungal disease that can attack every part of a plant. Powdery Mildew.